Reasons Why Babies Love Goodnight Moon

4 Reasons Why Babies Love Goodnight Moon

Why do babies love Goodnight Moon?

To help you see the reasons why babies love Goodnight Moon, we asked child psychologists this question for their best insights. From babies being fascinated by what they can comprehend to the story’s repetitive elements being soothing, there are several reasons that may explain why babies love the book Goodnight Moon.

Here are four reasons why babies love Goodnight Moon:

  • Babies Are Fascinated by What They Can Comprehend
  • The Rhyming Words Are Reassuring and Comforting
  • The Story’s Repetitive Elements Are Soothing
  • The Story is Easy and Illustrations Are Attractive To Babies

Babies Are Fascinated by What They Can Comprehend

Unlike us adults who are jaded and filled with ennui, desperate for fantasy, for anything unfamiliar, babies are intrigued by the world around them. The structure of Goodnight Moon, the first seven pages inventorying the room’s contents, the rest of the book basically saying goodnight to the contents, making no distinction between the real moon and the moon in the painting, making no distinction between the lady (is she the mother, the grandmother or nanny?) and a pair of socks reflects the bunny’s fascination with everything equally. It is perfectly structured for a rugrat just beginning to comprehend the physical world around them.

Joshua Chin, Chronos

The Rhyming Words Are Reassuring and Comforting

Saying ‘goodnight’ to the familiar by each item is a reassuring comfort to little ones as they drift off to slumber. The simple joy of rhyming words has a melodic, soothing effect. As the story is revisited night after night, children identify the words in the pictures as each is read which helps to lull them to sleep.

Benjamin Meskin, Cabrella

The Story’s Repetitive Elements Are Soothing 

Babies love “Goodnight Moon” because of the soothing nature of the story’s repetitive elements. Repetition is soothing to babies who are getting accustomed to hearing new sounds for the first time. The rhythm of the language is melodic, while the rhyme scheme makes it easy to remember. Both in tandem make for a familiar read that has an overall calming effect.

Sasha Ramani, MPOWER Financing

The Story is Easy and Illustrations Are Attractive To Babies

There are a few reasons why babies love Goodnight Moon. The book is simple and easy to understand, with just a few words on each page. The illustrations are also very attractive to babies and young children. The book is also short, so it doesn’t overstimulate babies’ brains. And finally, the book is about a topic that babies can relate to: going to sleep.

Admir Salcinovic, Pricelisto

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