What's the Best Age to Be a Parent?

What’s the Best Age to Be a Parent?

What’s the Best Age to Be a Parent?

To shed light on the ideal age for parenthood, we asked six experts, including CEOs and a business psychologist, to share their insights. From the importance of emotional readiness over age to the benefits of waiting until after 30, these professionals provide a range of perspectives on when it’s best to become a parent.

  • Emotional Maturity Over Age
  • Physical and Financial Readiness
  • No Perfect Age, Only Preparedness
  • Late 20s to Early 30s
  • 25 for Education, Career, and Financial Stability
  • After 30 Brings Energy, Patience, and Stability

Emotional Maturity Over Age

With being a parent, I believe there’s less emphasis on the “best age” and more on one’s emotional readiness and maturity. Sure, biology does play a role, but being able to provide a loving, stable environment for a child is what truly counts.

As a psychology expert and life coach, I’ve encountered many individuals who’ve become excellent parents at various stages of life, simply because they were emotionally prepared to accept the challenges and joys of becoming a parent. It’s not about ticking off an age box, but feeling equipped and ready for this lifetime commitment.

Bayu PrihanditoBayu Prihandito
Psychology Expert, Life Coach, Founder, Life Architekture

Physical and Financial Readiness

The best age to be a parent is different for everyone. It comes down to readiness: physically, emotionally, and financially. Parenthood is amazing, but taxing. You will be challenged daily, both physically and emotionally. I highly recommend waiting until both parents are ready before becoming parents; otherwise, the stressors may be too much for your relationship to bear.

It’s also important to understand the financials behind raising a child and being prepared. Recent estimates confirm that the average cost to raise a child to 18 is $200,000, or roughly $11,000 per year. This does not include higher education. While there are always ways to save money, it’s important to understand that children are typically more expensive than we think.

Jeremy GrantJeremy Grant
Founder and CEO, Knocked-up Money

No Perfect Age, Only Preparedness

There really is no “best age to be a parent.” It actually all comes down to your emotional maturity and whether you are in a place financially and mentally to support a child.

Some of the things we see when people have kids young is a sense of early loss of their youth, and as they age, there is a sense of worry over the ability to conceive. So, if you are in a committed relationship and want kids, there’s no real best time, and every time will come with some challenge of sorts.

So, as long as you and your partner are as ready as you can be, there is no perfect age.

Azmaira  Maker, Ph.D.Azmaira Maker, Ph.D.
Founding Director, Aspiring Families

Late 20s to Early 30s

It’s a frustrating fact of life that parenthood has its disadvantages at any age. Although younger parents have greater vitality, they often lack life experience and financial means. The opposite is true for older parents who are more financially stable but lack the vigor of youth.

Consequently, a middle ground between the two should present the best of both worlds. Becoming a parent in your late 20s to early 30s should ensure that you have sufficient energy, but are also reasonably established in your career.

Research suggests that parents in this age range show greater levels of subjective well-being and happiness than younger parents, likely because of greater access to financial resources.

However, many people do not have the luxury of choosing when they become parents, as fate often intervenes. Rest assured knowing that whatever age you ascend to parenthood, there are certainly some advantages to that age, and remember to play to your strengths.

Ben SchwenckeBen Schwencke
Business Psychologist, Test Partnership

25 for Education, Career, and Financial Stability

The age of 25 can be a significant time for some individuals to become parents. At this age, many people have completed their education, established their careers, and may feel more financially stable. Additionally, being a younger parent can mean having more energy to keep up with young children and being able to participate actively in their lives.

Aviad FaruzAviad Faruz
CEO, Know Mastery

After 30 Brings Energy, Patience, and Stability

In my opinion, the best age to become a parent is after 30. It’s a time when you still have a lot of energy, which is essential because taking care of a small child requires a lot of stamina. But it’s not just about physical energy.

Being a parent also requires patience and mental maturity. After 30, many people have more patience than they did when they were in their 20s. They’ve had more life experiences and are often more stable, both mentally and financially. This stability can provide a better environment for a child to grow up in.

Of course, this is just my viewpoint, and the right time to become a parent can differ for everyone based on their individual circumstances.

Martin PotockiMartin Potocki
CEO, Jobera

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